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May 16, 2004
Fun with hexagrams
In playing around with the hexagrams, I've now noticed that the Wilhelm translation, mentioned at http://hexadecimal.uoregon.edu/ching/src.html does not have unique English spellings for all the hexagrams.
This breaks my script, or rather, my script breaks on that feature of the list. The Legge translation (Bantam Ed., 7th printing, picked up used in Menlo Park for $1.50) has the same feature. I suppose I'll have to distinguish with the additional text, or numbers, or something.
That aside, I'm close to having XHTML for each of the hexagrams, with the appropriate bits of the Wilhelm translation. Has anyone written a program that interprets the outcomes of its own inquiries to the oracle?
Posted by Mark at May 16, 2004 10:22 PM