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May 26, 2004
Daily average 80 hits
Movable Type must do a fair amount of traffic with the server. I imagine Webalizer inflates, rather than moderates it's average daily hits reports. But mcraig.org traffic went to 80 hits an average day when I started using Movable Type to blog.
This is up from an average of 42/day in April, when I started trying to figure out what I wanted to put up on our website. Even the spike induced by my brother in July and August of 2003 was much lower (33/day, 37/day). I haven't looked at what might be causing this.
Either that or it has nothing to do with us, and instead represents somebody hijacking our site as a source of spam. How do I read the server logs?
Posted by Mark at May 26, 2004 09:14 AM