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May 28, 2004
First certification
This morning I took and passed my first ever certification examination, Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4. My score was only 47/61, or 77%, however. I wonder if I'd have done better had I taken the exam in February, just after studying the material for the first time. (I learned using Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates's Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide, on loan from Gordon.)
Ostensibly, in passing the exam you demonstrate that you know the Java language. I would refine that to say, know many of the basics of the Java language. Passing the exam still does not prove I know how to write a real Java program, and in fact, I've only written a couple.
So, in addition to perhaps brushing off what little I know of statistics, I may consider taking the developer certification exam, for which you actually do some programming. It would be cool to get back to the sort of hobby I had with WebMan and that I've let slide. (WebMan would almost be worth rewriting, but perhaps not quite.)
Posted by Mark at May 28, 2004 02:11 PM