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June 02, 2004
Movable Type
Movable Type, the software used for this weblog, has apparently been upgraded. They've moved to a pay license model as part of the upgrade, although you can still use it for free if you're using it like I am, which is just for your own weblog that no one else will ever read.
The LICENSE under which I guess I'm using the software appears to be less restrictive than what I read quickly at their website. It looks like up to 2.661, you basically only needed to pay when using it as part of a commercial operation. For 3.0, it looks like you need to pay if you have more than 1 author or more than 3 weblogs.
Everybody's got to eat, so why not charge for this stuff. Charging people who are making money operating a business using your software seems reasonable as well. Paying $69.95 for a family's set of weblogs seems like a lot to me, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
At work, we're using home grown software, and freeware to blog. The home grown software I'm using, however, was written by James Gosling, so maybe it's not cheap (although I imagine he's probably pretty productive writing software). It doesn't look quite as nice as Movable Type does. Maybe that's just a Sun thing. We have lots of highly intuitive people, and fewer sensing, aesthetic types. As a result, we don't really notice the lack of polishing, tending instead to look at the ideas rather than the artefacts.
Posted by Mark at June 2, 2004 09:17 PM