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June 11, 2004
Tim Bray on blogging
Tim Bray's giving a talk on blogging right now at work. Specifically http://blogs.sun.com/. He says he was hired partially to get Sun blogging.
Blogging seems to be growing at a rate of doubling every 4-6 weeks. This reminds Tim of the early expansion of the web.
Tim says:
- Blog's are one to many (mostly), you know who you're reading
- You don't have to update often, but you have to provide a syndication feed and keep it kicking over
If you don't know about newsfeeders, go to http://bloglines.com - To be read, you need to interest your readers
- Some bloggers are more popular... but you don't need to be in the top-read to be successful. If you write hard-core tech stuff, you might not have many readers, but the blogging world still needs you.
Tim's rules on how to succeed come next.
- Write what you know about.
- Point to other people. People link back.
- Read the good blogs in your area so you can react.
- Making it shorter takes time, but it's worth the investment.
- Human interest stuff is okay, but look prof. and polished (spellcheck, etc.)
- Write what you don't know about.
- Fail to show respect. Dis'ing customers or Sun or employees.
- Tell secrets.
- Speculate about product ship dates, financial issues, and stock prices.
Posted by Mark at June 11, 2004 05:18 PM