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June 11, 2004
When I shot Reagan
When I shot Reagan, in February of 1981, it happened during 5th grade creative writing class. (Reagan did get shot in 1982.)
For some reason, they had us write stories and then bind them into books. My formulaic little story complete with mispellings, an all Northern-European-American cast, and police officiers who scream, "Doggone it," in disgust when losing the trail of the President's killer, attributes the killing to Walter Chronkite (Krankheit?), then probably nearing retirement. (Walter outruns the cops from the White House through a forest (!) to his getaway car.)
French news has been covering Mr. Reagan's passing daily since it happened. Today, it seems Mrs. Thatcher paid her respects.
Please excuse those of us who went through puberty while those two held office. "While the effects ... on the well-adjusted child may not be cataclysmic, the emotional damage is more subtle," or whatever testimony Frank Zappa captured in Porn Wars.
Posted by Mark at June 11, 2004 08:55 PM