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June 19, 2004
Is this for Real?
RealProducer 10 runs on Red Hat for me, but unless you pay almost $200, you cannot encode in anything but Real 10 format.
I created a Real 10 version of the movie burned to VCD this morning. (Watch out: 11 MB file behind that link! Still uploading as I write this.) Of course that won't play properly on my realplay 8 for on Red Hat. All I get is the audio.
So I tried downloading the beta player for Linux. I got the Helix player first -- which doesn't recognize Real 10 format! At the bottom of the page, I saw the RealPlayer 10 beta, so I got those 6+ MB of stuff, and the file wouldn't extract.
Anyway, let me know if you read this, try out the video, and it works for you.
Posted by Mark at June 19, 2004 11:19 PM