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June 24, 2004


Luke gave me some advice yesterday to avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar, chocolate, and so forth. I was having trouble sleeping.

I'd been drinking some Coke without sugar or caffeine. Luke wondered if I really though it had no caffeine. Who knows which vegetable extracts Coke really contains? (Read the label.)

"Besides, in really microscopic amounts like that, the effects can be homeopathic," he claimed. According to Luke at that time of day, when he looked tired, stressed, irritated that I wouldn't just catch on for crying out loud and politely leave his office -- no, he didn't know anything about JavaBeans(TM) technology -- many substances in minute quanties produce homeopathic effects.

This I ignored. Mostly. Echoes of Luke's advice produced a sort of homeopathic effect later on, however, that prevented me from getting to sleep. After watching Citizen Kane, I lie there awake, wondering what people say about me behind my back, imagining that I'd get an accurate picture of myself by triangulating on how people treat me to my face, how they treat me behind my back (if they even think about me at all when I'm absent), and how I see my own life.

I'd be better off working through Introduction to Mathematical Statistics...

Posted by Mark at June 24, 2004 09:01 PM


stop blogging. it's an antisocial shoegazing addiction; the introvert's equivalent to ringing in sick so that you can stay home playing PlayStation2

Posted by: Schwartzy at June 30, 2004 12:14 PM

Mark - no-one's sayng stuff behind your back. but that doesn't mean we don't rememebr that you exist. you do exist, honest. your paranoia is a result of Vit C defficiency. consult the writings of Linus Pauling on this subject. And check out my new hit single, 'Naughty Girl'. I think you'll like the video that accompanies it.

Posted by: Beyonce Knowles at June 30, 2004 12:18 PM