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June 25, 2004


If Stuart's measurements are close to correct, I managed to run a half marathon in 1:30:04:87 today. Tried to go faster at the end and come in under 90 minutes, but just couldn't get my legs to do it.

At 1:01:30, I was feeling pretty thirsty. At 1:15, I was drying out. At the end, I was sweating less than when I ran 10k yesterday, even though today was hotter. Need to figure out how to take some water for runs that long.

Posted by Mark at June 25, 2004 02:51 PM


Yes, I heartily concur that you need to stay hydrated. What about a camelback or something like it to carry some liquid. There is probably no one to hand it to you enroute. Dana takes hydration very seriously and not only as an excuse to drink beer.

Posted by: Teena Tuenge at July 9, 2004 10:21 PM