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June 27, 2004

Climbers unleashed

Yesterday afternoon we went for a picnic and some of us went for a climb up next to the Dent de Crolles. This marked the last get together of the year for Tim's climbing club. You might like the view we had of the Belledonne from the Chartreuse side climbing site.


The climbers had all practiced inside at L'Espace vertical in St. Martin d'Heres, but many of them had not yet tried any real climbing outside. So they stood in line to get their harnesses and helmets checked.


Of course they felt like experts with ropes and carabiners once their gear was in place. So they all rushed up to the wall.


It looked like so much fun, we had a few observers who decided to get involved.

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An exhausting afternoon for people who had to skip their nap...


...but a fun one for everybody.

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Posted by Mark at June 27, 2004 06:17 AM