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June 30, 2004


On Dana's suggestion, I ran a mile. Or, rather, 1609 meters. It took me 5:28:89, which I don't think is my best time ever. It does, however, suggest that after a year of running my cardiovascular system has gotten back into roughly the shape it was in when I was 14 years old.

Two blasts from the past following that run:

  1. Iron taste of blood at the back of my throat 10 seconds after stopping.

  2. Accidentally turned the shower down too far, and the water turned cold. At this point I remembered my week in Richardson, Texas, where I failed to become a door-to-door salesman. Southwestern Company handlers had us take cold -- instead of hot -- showers in the morning, ostensibly to wake us up more effectively for a long day selling.

Posted by Mark at June 30, 2004 01:07 PM


I remember the blood taste from high school gym class. President Kennedy made us all take physical fitness tests and running around the track was one of them and I ran too hard after a life of laying on the bed reading books.

Posted by: Teena Tuenge at June 30, 2004 03:35 PM

If you could run that fast for President Kennedy, imagine how fast you could've run a mile for yourself.

Posted by: Mark at June 30, 2004 09:30 PM