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July 01, 2004
Cross-platform ID management
Luke Howard of PADL Software came in to see us today and talk about XAD, a cross-platform authentication and directory service. Cool stuff. He could run the entire demo on his laptop, which is a sort of nifty way to present it.
Sun's also has products for solving similar problems with Identity Synchronization for Windows and native LDAP naming for Solaris systems. I don't know whether you can run the demo on a regular laptop, but we have an architecture that really scales way up, with HA messaging underneath and everything.
We really do 18-wheeler, long-haul stuff well. It's the turn-on-a-dime, works-out-of-the-box, very-sleek stuff that I must admit Luke does well. You also get the impression he's a real fire-breathing hacker. Nice guy.
Posted by Mark at July 1, 2004 08:57 PM