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July 02, 2004


Almost halfway through today's run, I came upon a couple of guys running in the same direction. They'd just finished stretching, and took off shortly before I passed the spot where they'd stopped.

They seemed to run at about the same speed as I ran, or perhaps slightly slower. So I sped up just enough to catch them over the next kilometer, roughly.

30 seconds after I passed them, one guy said to the other, "Ok, I'm going to run a little faster for the next half a kilometer." They were at what was for them conversational speed, but it was a reasonable pace, maybe 13-14k/hr.

So that guy took off, speeding up to what would've been a sprint for me. His partner also sped up enough to pass me, but perhaps only half as much. I reached my halfway point then, and turned around.

Apes must do this, too. We'd have heard about it, but they're too smart to run.

Posted by Mark at July 2, 2004 02:34 PM