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July 06, 2004
In the ongoing saga of converting my .avi files to a video CD, I've started using a front-end to vcdimager called videoconv.sh, since vcdimager doesn't handle the conversion to mpeg, and that seems like it may be what I got wrong before.
Unfortunately, videoconv.sh seems to have a little bug that I only noticed 90 minutes into the conversion. In an attempt to cleanup potentially large temporary files, the script deletes them inside the for loop that processes the .avi files, right after the temporary files are supposed to be used. Trouble is, the temporary files are not used, and so are deleted before they get processed into something else. Since lav2yuv in quiet mode generates 1 line of output per frame (29.97 frames/second in NTSC) processed, you can hardly scroll back to see what happened unless you were prepared in advance to expect errors. I'm too trusting ;-)
It looks like perhaps something may be goofy in the options passed to mplex. Another step in the saga...
Posted by Mark at July 6, 2004 10:26 AM