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July 07, 2004
Yikes, my mail!
I'm playing around with old software docs, in which it recommends you add something to your prefs.js to bypass having to get an SSL certificate. So I try that.
Ok. Mozilla seems to run fine. The example I'm hacking on doesn't work, but that's fine, too. It was written for Netscape Communicator and things have probably changed.
What I did was let applets access the network without authorization, so I go to turn that off. At the top of prefs.js is something that looks like a comment, a line starting with #. So I add a # in front of the line I added and restart Mozilla.
No mail. Nothing is configured. Getting your mail configured with the right filters and everything is of course something that only takes a couple of hours... if you can remember what you did, and have all the account details handy.
No error messages, all the stuff is still there in prefs.js.
Take away the #, and my mail conf comes back. Whew!
I guess I'll take that recommendation out of the docs when I update them...
Posted by Mark at July 7, 2004 11:23 AM