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July 19, 2004


My right shin still bothers me, so I went and bought new, well-cushioned shoes, suggested according to the wear patterns on the other shoes I have. These I took up to Rochasson from work in 22:51. Not sure how far that is, but there are several steep spots. The two minutes from 18:15 to 20:15 were on the little heartbreaker of a shortcut in between the houses. My round trip time was 42:23:70. I took a longer route coming down than going up.

Yesterday I went for a bike ride, but it's just not the same workout. Biking without toeclips leaves the entire workout in the thighs. At Chapareillan, I started up toward the col du Granier, but chickened out. First, it was hard work. Second, my bike's breaks sort of work, but not enough to stop the bike on a good downhill run. Even just on the rolling hills between Myans and Les Marches, or the long slow hill from Les Marches down to Chapareillan had me nervous. What seemed most different is how on the bike I could hardly work my muscles hard enough to get out of breath. Legs gave out before lungs.

Posted by Mark at July 19, 2004 02:22 PM