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July 21, 2004
Secure with head in sand
Back when my brother and I started playing with gpg, I hardly understood what the heck was going on. Assuming I'm roughly as dumb as the average network user, there must be a lot of us folk out here cluelessly attempting to secure our data.
On a slightly more frightening note, I'm now opening ports in my firewall for work, probably way too widely. Why don't I understand? Partly just laziness. Partly the situation is bad-habit forming like drinking and driving, in that you often get away with it until you have an accident, feeling secure since you cannot see the danger with your head buried in the sand.
Security software works fine "when used as directed," PKD wrote in Ubik. Trouble is, the directions are complicated enough that everybody except Luke just sucks it and sees...
Posted by Mark at July 21, 2004 10:50 PM