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July 24, 2004

No questions asked JDS

Sun's iWork program lets us connect through VPN to our internal network, so we can more or less work from anywhere with an Internet connection.

The first time I installed Java Desktop System on a laptop, I configured everything to be able to connect to work. These days, Sun IT provides us with a version of our Java Desktop System with some extra tools to make it all work more smoothly. So I'm installing that.

Not sure how much simpler things will turn out with the iWork version of Java Desktop System, but this sure is the most straightforward OS install I've ever done. Even more streamlined than Solaris. You just drop the bootable CD in the drive and restart the laptop.

It's so smooth, I'm sort of scared that I won't be able to figure out how to do any of the system administration for the inevitable stuff that won't work the first time ;-)

Posted by Mark at July 24, 2004 09:24 AM