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July 27, 2004

Interchangeable people

Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 yesterday. Even outside the US, the film drew a big crowd.

Phil and Eric said they found it too politically oriented, too full of propaganda, and thus not quite as good as Bowling for Columbine, which I have not seen.

Phil said he could imagine all the same events happening in France, but you'd have to divide the sums by 1000.

We recreate this system every day. We teach our children to recreate it. It's at work, at home, in our own heads. Some peace glossary at Berkeley defines propaganda:

Control of information, ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause

Even there you see the combat metaphors. Opposing causes, warfare. Hope seems hard to find.

Posted by Mark at July 27, 2004 11:17 PM