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July 31, 2004


Slashdot ran an article yesterday, saying Lockheed is replacing 10k Sun workstations with Linux boxes.

A couple of folks from Lockheed commented "That's news to me and I work at a Lockheed branch." Maybe the story got inflated in the telling.

On the one hand if it were true, that might be a big hit on a potential repeat sale for Sun when all those Lockheed workers get around to replacing their SPARC workstations. On the other hand, it's not like they're going to over to the Dark Side. Heck, they could even drop the idea of getting Intel machines from Dell or whoever and decide to buy AMD from us with Java Desktop System (SuSE Enterprise Linux inside).

From a longer term view, may Ed Zander should've opened up Solaris on his watch. Or maybe they'll all come back when we deliver on throughput computing in another year or so.

Posted by Mark at July 31, 2004 02:26 PM