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August 08, 2004

LDAP schema repository

After thinking a little longer about what I'm trying to do, implementing everything suggested at The Schema Registry project at http://www.daasi.de/services/SchemaReg/ looks like:

Besides, ignorance is bliss. So at least I'll be happy while reinventing badly historical artifacts other people have done well. Only if I'm too lazy to read all their docs, however.

Their schema registry service confirms my feeling about the second item in my list, namely that they don't include the kind of reference documentation I want to generate from the schema respository.

Posted by Mark at August 8, 2004 03:32 PM


Interesting blog, does this site get lots of activity or is it usually slow around here?

Posted by: yaoi at September 25, 2004 04:16 PM

This site gets virtually no activity, except when some spam bot posts 30 comments advertising erection pills. I could be plotting terrorist Armageddon and no one would notice.

Fine with me. It's easier than keeping a diary.

Posted by: Mark at September 25, 2004 06:16 PM