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August 14, 2004

Listen carefully

Friday I had an errand to run during lunch, and ended up listening to BFM, where the person hosting the lunchtime program had Marc Blondel, ex head honcho of Force Ouvrière as the guest.

M. Blondel strikes me as a sort of grand patron type who decided he'd do better as a union leader than a conservative politician. The interview sort of slipped off into his involvement with freemasonry. I felt my interest drifting. Then he said something very close to, "Toutes mes réactions sont collectivistes. Moi, je..." It reminded me of an image on that right-wingish, reportage show with Thomas Hughes and Laurence Ferrari that comes on TF1 Sunday nights around 7. They did what I thought at the time was a slanderous interview with M. Blondel.

At one point he was seated watching a demonstration, smoking a fat cigar, with a big black colleague holiding a huge umbrella over his head while he talked, apparently not noticing the irony. They also filmed M. Blondel in his giant office that might have gone to a PDG for some industrial business. If they all project that image, no wonder the unions in France can no longer sign anybody up.

Posted by Mark at August 14, 2004 09:14 PM