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August 24, 2004


The week's starting off badly.

Yesterday, I didn't get out, except to ride about 3 kilometers to and from the x-ray center.

Today, it started raining in the middle of the night and hasn't let up. Diane has clung to me since 5 am. Going to try jumping rope as an alternative.

Removed the rear wheel of my bicycle to replace a broken spoke. Whoever came up with the law that the bread falls butter side down knows that law also applies to broken spokes. First, they always break on the rear wheel, where you apply the weight. Second, they always break on the same side as the sprocket, so you have to take the sprocket off to replace the spoke.

Sprocket removal requires special tools. Nathalie picked up the removal tool needed on a trip to Chambery.

In rereading the instructions under the link above, I notice that, "It will typically require some force to turn the freewheel." Sounds like an understatement to me. Yesterday I was afraid that even if I did manage to turn something, the wheel would thereafter be unusable. Better workout than benchpressing.

Posted by Mark at August 24, 2004 04:30 PM