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August 27, 2004

L'Alpe d'Huez

Dad wanted to see l'Alpe d'Huez, site of one of the time trials for the Tour de France. We drove there this morning. The summit's about 95 minutes from here in the car.

Lots of cyclists were climbing the 1100 m over 13 km. We saw everything from a guy who looked about 70 on a recumbent bike to women on regular upright town bicycles to a couple of guys who looked lean and mean enough to have been in the Tour, standing up and cranking away.

When my leg heals, I'd kind of like to go out there and run the 13 km. As Dad said, I wouldn't be able to claim my diplôme, however, which you apparently can get if you go to the mairie or the tourist office or wherever it was after riding all the way to the finish line.

One nice thing about that ride: no potholes. It's like they came through before the Tour and had someone from Hollywood repave the road. Ready for prime time.

Posted by Mark at August 27, 2004 10:22 PM