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September 05, 2004
Parliamentary assistant
Jon Bosak and Ken Clements propose a parliamentary assistant to replace many of the chair's functions with a web server based application to faciltate the parliamentary process online. As Jon observes, we can use Robert's Rules of Order, since organizations have been debugging those for well over 100 years.
I guess I buy the idea, or I'll at least listen to the first part of the pitch. When I was first trying to get involved in DITA after IBM took it to OASIS, I couldn't get past an internal server error at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/ that prevented me from signing up. Karl Best told me by email he'd put their IT staff on it. I finally gave up trying to be part of that parliamentary process.
Moralité : The process itself may have been thoroughly debugged, but many web applications have not.
If Jon and Ken have an open source implementation, I wonder if anybody doing participatory economics has tried to adapt it for their negotiations.
Posted by Mark at September 5, 2004 07:06 AM