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September 12, 2004
Quince harvest
Today we picked the quince on our tree. We got about 55 between maybe 150 and 750 g, with most I would say about 300 g. Quince are typically quite large, and much harder than most fruit. I had to leave 3 at the top that I couldn't easily get to on the ladder.
Although I don't have any rum in the house, I'm going to make Spuma di Mele Cotogne (quince mousse; ingredients quince, brown sugar, lemon juice, cream, and rum) from a recipe Dad found on http://www.foodtv.com/.
Nath's hairdresser and my colleague Karine already took orders for all the quince. They're perhaps thinking of jams and quince paste rather than mousse. Quite popular fruit around here.
Posted by Mark at September 12, 2004 05:58 PM