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September 13, 2004
All quiet until 7:15
In addition to picking quince this weekend, we got Tim a new bed and put Diane in his old bed. Tim also got Nathalie's desk, which she hardly used. A great occasion to move everything around in four rooms, and to transfer all of the stuff Nathalie had amassed on her desk to a new chest of drawers she had me assemble.
Nathalie said at one point she felt it was almost as bad as moving. By Sunday evening, however, everything was done except for the curtain Emma's going to have around the head of her bed.
All three slept in this morning. Diane hasn't yet discovered that she can get out of her bed by herself. As soon as she does, we'll probably start seeing her at 6 am.
Posted by Mark at September 13, 2004 08:27 AM