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September 24, 2004
Saving energy
I've been reading Alan Zelicoff's book on Saving Energy without derision (5 MB PDF), in which Zelicoff takes a look at how everyone can save money while saving energy. His book got Slashdotted, so the link points to a copy I downloaded.
Granted, the book needs an edit. Zelicoff also goes to a lot of trouble to justify buying solar panels compared to T-Bills, but so many people invest in neither their homes nor treasury notes for the full 30 years, and it's probably easier to get your money back half way through a treasury note than half way through the useful lifetime of a voltaic cell. His idea of combining sex education with conservation class is a little weak, and he knows it. Maybe we'd do better to teach how to do the kind of fact finding prerequisite to making up your mind based on the facts rather than on "attitude" as Zelicoff calls it.
Yet he's put a lot of interesting tidbits, observations, and common sense in only 83 pages. Definitely thought provoking, and kind of entertaining as well.
Posted by Mark at September 24, 2004 10:02 PM