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October 02, 2004

JDS iWork Client v2.0

Today I did some beta install testing for the new version of Sun's iWork client OS and software for PCs. It went even more smoothly than with the last version.

For this one, Sun IT has worked out issues like network configuration. It's now organized so you don't have to set preferences when you go onto the VPN. You can just browse or use IM without even considering proxies.

Some of us unfortunately cannot do that with mail, yet. (I still have to get on the VPN to get my Sun mail.) There's also a little inconvenience, maybe a bug, whereby my home dir does not get mounted automatically when I get on the VPN, but that's not a big deal.

Getting better all the time. I wonder how many companies around the world are looking at this kind of solution to their PC management problems.

Posted by Mark at October 2, 2004 05:44 PM