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October 04, 2004

Hardly socialist, part II

As Dad noticed, my entry on Robert Tressell's book and socialism in France was unclear. By measures like how much of the economy the state controls, and definitions like the ones you get at Google for socialism, France is obviously socialist. In fact, by those standards, even the French right (and probably the far right) is socialist.

If you read Robert Tressell's book, you come away with a different definition of socialism. Tressell's socialism is a system essentially void of ownership, based on a utopian core of working together, sharing, true democracy, rational governance. It's not clear whether we could ever reach such a system, but what I meant to point out was that we definitely cannot reach such a system by electing representatives to bring it about for us.

Posted by Mark at October 4, 2004 10:43 PM