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October 14, 2004
Got all ready to go for a bike ride today at noon, but we've had rain and lower temperatures the whole day so far. Unfortunately I was so ready to bike that I forgot to bring running clothes. So I'm taking it easy today, the first whole work day in a while with no exercise.
Posted by Mark at October 14, 2004 01:40 PM
I passed 1000 miles on my new bicycle today. I picked it up on July 12th. That represents roughly 70 hours of pedaling in the last 93 days. Supposely the bike had approx. 400 miles on it when I bought it.
I thought that while you are gone Oct. 23 & 24, Teena and I might take the car and go to Avignon. It is not close but not that far -- it appears to be about 250 km by the autoroute. The plan would probably be to go down on Saturday and back on Monday. I think I may be able to make a hotel reservation online if I do it this weekend. There was a lot of information on the offical French tourism website about the city and they suceeded in making it sound interesting. Let me know if you have an opinion or suggestion about this idea.
Posted by: Dana at October 15, 2004 05:39 AM
Averaging a little over 3/4 hour/day cycling is much better than I'm doing so far. Of course it might help if I didn't have to go to work.
Your plan sounds good. We can help with the hotel if you'd like. My old boss spent some time around Avignon this summer with her friends and loved it. They took a gite instead of staying in a hotel, but a hotel is possibly better for a weekend.
If you go, you might want to consider doing one or two wine tastings, and combine that with taking a few back roads. The countryside is beautiful down there, and it's a shame to see it only from the autoroute.
Posted by: Mark at October 15, 2004 02:37 PM