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October 28, 2004

Mini triathlon

Today's mini triathlon started with full-extension, olympic hedge clipping along the entire length of the yard. Unfortunately, my time wasn't very good. It took a total of four hours to trim the top and sides on the south edge of our yard. The inherent difficulty in the hedge clipping event lies in overcoming stiffness in the muscles at the top of your back. Those get strained as you lean forward and reach out at shoulder height to snip twigs almost beyond your grasp.

The second and third legs were stunted versions of the traditional bike race and run. I took off on the bicycle at 3:30 pm but only rode over to Les Marches. Although I didn't get rained on, puddles had gathered everywhere the road wasn't almost perfectly flat. It had drizzled this morning and some of the afternoon. Had to wipe the bike down completely, and to clean, oil, and grease the chain.

After deciding not to ride only 20 km, it made sense to go somewhere on foot. I thought Dana was going to want to run. We'd had a big lunch. But I guess he's taking it easy today. I only ran as far as Chapareillan. Dana says the edge of Chapareillan and back is about 8 1/2 km.

Posted by Mark at October 28, 2004 06:37 PM