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November 18, 2004

Not bouncing

After wimping out halfway through a set of intervals with Matt yesterday, I decided to try is suggestion of learning to run more efficiently, starting today.

Matt's idea is that if you can keep yourself from bouncing so much up and down, you can focus more of your energy into forward movement. This you do partly by lengthening your stride.

So you try to keep your head level and to pull your legs apart more. I did that the first half of a 14 km run, but didn't try to run fast yet (30:30 split). Running like that makes my thighs work harder than they usually do.

On the way back I tried a few minutes alternation between lifting my knees up and pulling my heels up on each stride. I'm hoping to build strength. I also ran about 1.5 km again trying to keep my head and upper body from moving vertically, and did 5 quick intervals to break it up.

I'd like to build up to a marathon next season. I ought to be able to do that without injury.

Posted by Mark at November 18, 2004 09:13 PM