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November 20, 2004

Online ads

How well do online ads work? Better than television and radio ads? Google Scholar brought me to an article by Chung-Chuan Yang in the Journal of Marketing Communications, but I'm too cheap to see anything more than the abstract.

If there were enough context to predict what a surfer would be willing to pay for, it seems like online ads could reverse the current model whereby those who want to advertise pay for space. Instead, content providers could find and pay advertisers for a right to push for them, then charge a percentage of sales. The better you reference, the more you make. Theoretically speaking.

I'm still not entirely convinced hawking and shopping are the right combination to optimize distribution. At least not for everything. Can what works for apples and oranges work just as well for software and books?

Posted by Mark at November 20, 2004 02:56 PM