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December 05, 2004
Fall ride, part VI
The temperature this morning is about 6 degrees Celsius. According to Yahoo Weather, it won't get much warmer today. That's not warm, but it's warm enough to ride.
I've not gone yet, but am dressed for it, and have pumped up my tires. Unless I get too chilled, I'll go for a long ride to replace a long run this morning. (Nathalie decided we should go to the Christmas market in Chambery this afternoon instead of the skating rink this morning.)
Hal Higdon wrote somewhere that running for 90-120 minutes gets you to the point where your muscles start to conserve glycogen, so it's an important training point. The time may be 120-180 minutes on a bike, I don't know. I won't be out there three hours. Then again, I'm not training for a race, just getting some exercise.
Posted by Mark at December 5, 2004 09:43 AM