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December 16, 2004
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The New York Times sends email headline teasers so you'll sign in and read. They must have to get you to sign so the advertising money will flow.
Today they're running an op-ed piece from Maureen Dowd on advertising money, "Why Not the Coalition of the Shilling?" Dowd suggests the US finance continued deployment in Iraq with corporate advertising money. ("If the Olympics can attract top corporate sponsors, why can't Rummy's Global War on Terrorism?")
A few IP networks away, you can read Iraq Dispatches by Dahr Jamail. One recent post Jamail calls "Fallujah Photos." Check out the "Dead boy holding white surrender flag" and similar snapshots.
I wonder if Maureen and Dahr read each others' articles. Jamail seems to have read at least one NYT article:
A New York Times article devoted to the US takeover of the Fallujah General Hospital (which like all major US coverage, was uninterested in the leveling of another Fallujah hospital two days prior), for instance, said only that the hospital has been “considered a refuge for insurgents and a center of propaganda against allied forces” without bringing to light the kernel of such propaganda: doctor’s reports of US military use of cluster bombs, shooting of ambulances and civilians, and related war crimes.
Jamail posts pictures of two Iraqi men holding what may be cluster bomb debris, and a bullet-ridden ambulance and car.
Posted by Mark at December 16, 2004 09:41 PM