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December 19, 2004
The rain is still falling here, likely turning to snow at higher altitudes. There was slush on my car when I drove downhill to run this morning.
I woke up with a low-grade fever, sore throat, and stuffy nose. Had a hat, socks, and fleece jacket waiting for the sun to rise. Tim and Emma got up before 7. They didn't think it was particularly cold, so it seems to have been me. The thought occurred that maybe I shouldn't go, but I only had to run 10 km today according to the plan. The plan also says tomorrow is a rest day.
At 8:15, it was light enough to go. I'd mapped out a course on access roads and foot trails following the river, leaving from the Super U parking lot. A good map and a piece of string helped me find a roundabout precisely 5 km away from the starting point. I hadn't eaten breakfast, but had a couple glasses of water and a glass of juice.
I ran with several layers, hat, gloves, ski socks instead of running socks. Nothing felt right, so I plodded along. Hal Higdon suggests taking the longer runs at a pace significantly slower than you intend to run in a race, 45-90 seconds per mile. Somewhere in his book about marathon running, he may also suggest not to run much when you're sick. (I assume 10 km counts as not much, even though it's considered the first long run in his novice marathon training program.)
I must be sick now, because even after eating walking up stairs is a chore. Good thing I didn't have a 20-miler scheduled for today.
Posted by Mark at December 19, 2004 10:39 AM
I can always tell when I'm getting sick ahead of the syuptoms, when I am exercising. It becomes like doing the same thing you always do only with a large sack of bricks to carry.
Posted by: Teena Tuenge at December 20, 2004 03:49 AM