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December 23, 2004

Le blogue de Tilly

Just in case anyone asks for the French translation, now you know that Babel Fish is wrong.

Babel Fish is wrong anyway, translating blog as blog. Blog comes from weblog, that is oueb'logue, which is franglais for something like journal sur la toile, which doesn't exist. Read more about the phenomenon in Libé (where the author just writes "blog").

Tilly has the good judgement with her blogue to wait until she has something to say before typing. The signal-to-noise rating is therefore than you'll find here. Tilly liked Jean-Jacques Vanier's show.

Here you find echoes of Woody Allen in Annie Hall about two women at a restuarant:

"The food's terrible here."
"Yes, and such small portions!"

Posted by Mark at December 23, 2004 08:55 PM