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January 05, 2005

Max. heart rate

According to the Sports Coach Maximum Heart Rate Stress Tests page, I shouldn't have gone out to check my max. pulse today, since I was ill only last week. Oups.

Anyway, I'm going to pretend that my maximum heart rate was the rate I saw today when I stopped sprinting, 195 bpm. According to my heart monitor, I now have the heart of a 25-year-old guy.

My wife probably wishes all of me were in that kind of shape. In fact, it's a fluke. Dana said Mom's resting heart rate is quite high, around 90 bpm. I inherited hummingbird genes.

Posted by Mark at January 5, 2005 09:17 PM


My heart rate has been high since I had cancer. Right afterward and for quite a while it was over 100 at rest. Don't really know what it was before that, since I never paid attention. And didn't go to the doctor that often to have it checked.

Posted by: Teena at January 7, 2005 05:15 PM

Yes, my aim is to end up like Jim Fixx. Die young, in a corpse with a high lactate threshold.

Posted by: Mark at January 7, 2005 08:52 PM