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January 07, 2005

Could be worse

Andy sent me a link to a San Francisco Chronicle article about Dean Karnazes, ultra-distance nut. Dean's looking for, "out-of-body experiences, intense pain, nights without sleep, and a supreme sense of accomplishment."

My flurry of fitness-related blog entries and mild obsession with smashing down the 15 km/h barrier look safely sane by comparison. Running satisfies me because it has required little skill or natural ability to improve. I've only had to make a habit of putting in the miles. Running also has some nice side effects, like helping to control weight and focusing the mind away from efforts I ought to make. People almost naturally see running as something healthy, when in fact it's a form of procrastination. In that light, running's similar to blogging.

Posted by Mark at January 7, 2005 10:32 AM