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January 19, 2005


All the other people with whom I was training to run a marathon had already gone out for a 3-hour endurance training session where the coach was serving refreshments along the way. They'd enjoyed it.

I had been stuck on a bus with two guys selling some real estate. Didn't get home until the clock on the microwave oven said 13:12. The answering machine had filled up and the synthesized women's voice was telling me I had to take the incoming calls to make room for more.

All the other runners were stretching quads, face down in my living room on foam mats, grinning from ear to ear. To top it off, I had left all my clothes wherever we sold the property so I could stand to ride the sweltering bus whose windows we never managed to open. I couldn't tell whether they were grinning because I was naked or whether they just felt good to have done such a great run.

It was about time to start fumbling around for my shoes when I woke up and saw the real time was 5:23.

Posted by Mark at January 19, 2005 07:09 AM