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January 23, 2005
Tim and I went out in the rain this morning to walk uphill behind Barraux. When the going gets tough, the 7-year-olds slow down. I could get more exercise doing the dishes.
He was happy to go out, however. We saw lots of rivulets, including those at the base of our driveway. The rain has been washing the stones away again for the third time since last summer. Looks like we need to pave that small area.
In the woods behind town, you can catch trails that take you up to the ridge. Tim found a walking stick, and kept going. I carried a small bottle with his boisson energique, the mixture I drink when riding or running long and not wanting to deplete muscle glycogen. It has primarily a psychological effect on him, but since we were going to be gone an hour, I didn't want him to deplete his store of motivation.
Posted by Mark at January 23, 2005 02:20 PM