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January 24, 2005

Ski season, part III

Today Nathalie had me take the day off work to ski with her. We didn't pick good weather. Here's a webcam photo, similar to what we saw during our last descent:


We've seen better photos of Titan's surface.

Skiing was fun, though, especially when we had a break in the clouds. We couldn't go all the way up to the top of the ski area. We heard them dynamiting to prevent accidental avalanches due to the new snow.

At the bottom and at the top they were making artificial snow, despite the snowfall last night and this morning. Apparently it was so warm so high up the last couple of days the snow was wearing thin in heavy traffic areas. Too bad they cannot channel the avalanches right where they need them.

We skied for 2:48:19, during which time my average pulse was 88 bpm. I only spent 4:17 of that in my 65-85% zone. Overall downhill skiing is about as much exercise as going for a walk with Tim, part of that no doubt the result of time spent relaxing in the chairlift.

Nathalie enjoyed herself, but her legs got tired. She thinks she'll have sore muscles tomorrow. She also got a phone message at 1:30 saying Diane was coming down with diarrhea at the day care center, so we stopped and drove back to get Diane.

Posted by Mark at January 24, 2005 05:31 PM