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February 03, 2005

Ella Tuenge

My mom's mom, Ella Tuenge, died this morning at 11:47 local time where I used to live in Indiana. Grandma had a bad fall recently, and she was already having a rough time with congestive heart failure, low blood sugar, and other difficulties.

Here's a picture from happier times.


Grandma I remember as patient, stoic, and generally a whole lot of fun, especially when we were little kids and got a kick out of having someone share in our silliness and even encourage it. Grandma generously spoiled us with more attention and treats than we deserved.

She had some quirks, too. Used to get our names mixed up. Not just the human beings in the family, but also the cats and dogs. It got so you didn't even think to correct her when she looked you in the eyes and called you by the name of her youngest dog.

Despite the extent she went to spoiling us rotten, Grandma also could exhibit an old-style, depression-era approach to waste, combined with a humble duty to eat life's burnt toast. A pizza she once served us with leftover green beans was the funny side of that.

Later in life, when she got tired, this developed into campaign contributions for socially conservative candidates. Some of the mail she got from those folks was hilarious. But the impulse to help came from honest living, and the sense that people need more honest living. You don't throw away perfectly good green beans just because you'd rather have mushrooms on your pizza. You do your best to accept the situation God gives you and make do with what you have.

I admire that, but didn't inherit it. Must've been a recessive gene.

Posted by Mark at February 3, 2005 09:32 PM


THanks for the words. I've printed it out and we'll use it in the memorial service. which by the way will be in Jackson on March 5. Haven't done the St Louis plan yet. Though Loraine may be there to do the service.
Love, Mom

Posted by: Teena at February 5, 2005 02:30 AM