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February 07, 2005

Moving MovableType

My brother Matt moved mcraig.org to a new provider. Getting my blog working again took more time than it should've.

I tried reinstalling first. Got nothing but 500 (Internal Server Error) back from the web server for the CGIs. That seemed weird to me because other CGIs worked just fine right off the bat. Stuff like the oracle.

Finally got it right when I copied the old files over without changing anything, reconfiguring by hand. Then tried TypeMover, which had made what seemed to be a great backup. Unfortunately, that great backup got restored somewhere like /dev/null. If you find it, let me know.

So I manually reconfigured, which is probably why the blog now uses the updated templates. Hope you don't mind. Then I reimported the entries I had and rebuilt.

Hope I didn't lose any of your comments in the process. Who know what'll have happened to the links.

Posted by Mark at February 7, 2005 10:38 PM