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February 19, 2005
Andy sent me William Gibson's book IDORU. I started reading it already because the other books I have open, The Selfish Gene and Madame Bovary, require more effort. (The Selfish Gene obliges you to think. Madame Bovary starts out mostly about Charles and other people you don't feel attracted to. I'm not over the hump.)
IDORU was fun to read, though it might have been more entertaining in 1996, in other words before Kurzweil published The Age of Spiritual Machines and before your brother gave you that Nanosystems book that you still plan to read. The science fiction parts look like they might age quickly.
But the characters entertain, the pop postmodern references keep it light, and you zoom through the book. Let me know if you want it and I'll send you the paperback.
Posted by Mark at February 19, 2005 08:48 AM