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February 21, 2005

EU constitution, part II

Big news today on the radio was that the Spanish voted for the EU constitution, something like 3 to 1 in favor.

Only 42% of eligible voters turned out. I thought someone on the radio mentioned a poll finding only 10% of those who voted claimed actually to have read the text. One commentator suggested a series of debates between legal experts, rather than sound bites from politicians regarding the 265-page document.

Evidently lots of French politicians on both sides of the argument found reason to rejoice following the Spanish referendum. Reminds me of a verb, preside:

Preside, v. i. imp. & p. p. Presided; p. pr. & vb. n. Presiding. L. praesidere; prae before + sedere to sit: cf. F. pr'esider. See Sit.
  1. To be set, or to sit, in the place of authority; to occupy the place of president, chairman, moderator, director, etc.; to direct, control, and regulate, as chief officer; as, to preside at a public meeting; to preside over the senate.
  2. To exercise superintendence; to watch over.
Some o'er the public magazines preside. --Dryden.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Posted by Mark at February 21, 2005 09:22 PM