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February 27, 2005
Hmm. Why are there so few short tights for sale out there?
Road Runner Sports puts short-length tights in their "Fitness" category, a word I thought was internationally reserved for people who exercise only occasionally and then feel they're overdoing it if they break a sweat. Serious runners must either be so thin their flapping inseams never touch the opposite legs, or must masochistically revel in bleeding, chafed inner thighs.
I run wearing short tights, what ChampionCatalog.com calls "Compression" shorts. These have the advantage of not chafing, but the "compression" feature makes them less than optimal for runs much longer than an hour. Once you've sweat enough that even Lycra stays thoroughly soaked, their lack of support for the male nether regions, and tendency to compress liquid near the low-lying portions of the fabric where it can become very effectively chilled by icy wind mean these shorts that are great for a 10-K can become torture after 20. This is also the case if you run with short tights under regular long tights, except there's fabric enough for twice the chilled sweat.
So I'm looking for a good selection of distance running shorts normal people would wear. Either that or I need to lose another 20 kg, 10 from each thigh.
Are the baggy ones somehow okay? What's the secret? The fabric?
Posted by Mark at February 27, 2005 06:08 PM
I think the baggy ones are okay though my longest runs have been 10 miles and runs over 6 miles have been rare the last 10 years. I believe the secret is lubrication. If you are not currently using any lubrication, I believe you would see a great change if you started. Vaseline works fine though it is bothersome to have to wash your hands as thoroughly as it is necessary after applying -- adds at least 45-60 seconds to getting dressed to run. I use it for any run over 5 miles. Running shops sell products, one in the U.S. is called "Body Glide," that appear to come in an applicator like deoderant and would be less messy and quicker to apply.
As for fitness shorts, I bought a pair of Roadrunner brand fitness shorts to use for recumbent bicycling and I do not believe they are that similar to your compression shorts. This short is like regular bicycling shorts with no pad. This particular model of short is actually thinner and more stretchy than any bicycling shorts I have ever had.
Posted by: Dana at February 28, 2005 10:56 PM
I don't use any lubricant, but haven't seen the need. Since I started wearing longish tight shorts I've not had any chafing problems on my legs. (I do tape nipples since even quick-drying tops remain thoroughly soaked after more than 5 km.)
Maybe I should try the Road Runner shorts, or see if I can find something meeting your description over here.
Posted by: Mark at March 1, 2005 08:31 AM