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March 02, 2005

Social Security

Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner of the US Social Security Administration, has sent me a letter. In the letter I learn that, "Social Security is a compact between generations," but that, "by 2042 the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted."

So if I retire in 2037 at age 67, after having been unemployable since about age 52, there may be some benefits for 5 years. Except that I've been out of the US too long, not paying into Social Security over there.


If I return to the US at some point, I literally cannot count on Social Security for retirement, disability, family and survivor benefits, or medicare, at least not for a few years, during which time I'd probably become ineligible for any benefits I've accrued in France.

Oh, well. If you want to be safe, don't leave the country you're in. (Except when local conditions force you to leave for your own safety.)

Posted by Mark at March 2, 2005 09:14 PM