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March 03, 2005

To blog or not to blog

Dad was wondering whether to start a blog. If you've gotten far enough along to wonder, I say go ahead. The worse that can happen is that you waste a little bandwidth, disk space, and time.

My brother Matt suggested maybe you should have something to say, or blog when your company pays you to. Concerning the latter, thankfully for the human race most of us do not have jobs involving primarily hot air management. Lost of Sun bloggers do it as an extension of their jobs. Few are getting paid specifically for that.

Concerning the former, you won't figure out what you have to say unless you write it down (or at least say it out loud). The good thing about writing it down in a blog is that you can erase it as fast as you come up with it. The good thing about writing it down in a potentially public place is that you will erase most of the really outrageously indefensible nonsense as fast as you come up with it.

The bad thing is that a blog is public enough that you'll censor yourself more than you probably should. But it's about as easy to drop an entry in your blog as it is to keep a journal, and it's definitely easier to search. Also there's some motivation to keep on adding entries. So it can be a good way to encourage yourself to write things down.

Posted by Mark at March 3, 2005 08:58 PM